Friday, June 7, 2024

Bangladesh Budget 2024: An Overview


Bangladesh Budget 2024: An Overview

The Bangladesh Budget for the fiscal year 2024, presented by the government, represents a pivotal moment in the country’s economic planning. As the nation continues to navigate the challenges posed by global economic shifts, domestic policy adjustments, and the ongoing impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, this budget aims to balance growth, equity, and sustainability. This essay provides an in-depth analysis of the key components of the budget, its objectives, projected impacts, and the broader economic context within which it was framed.

Objectives and Priorities

The primary objectives of the Bangladesh Budget 2024 are to accelerate economic growth, reduce poverty, enhance social welfare, and ensure environmental sustainability. The budget emphasizes infrastructure development, industrial growth, agricultural modernization, digital transformation, and social protection. These priorities are designed to support the government’s long-term vision of becoming a middle-income country by 2031 and a developed nation by 2041.

  1. Economic Growth and Infrastructure Development: The budget allocates significant funds to infrastructure projects, including roads, bridges, and railways. The aim is to improve connectivity and reduce logistical costs, thereby boosting trade and commerce. Special attention is given to the development of the Dhaka-Chattogram economic corridor, which is expected to become a major hub for trade and investment.

  2. Industrial and Agricultural Modernization: Recognizing the importance of industrialization in economic development, the budget provides incentives for manufacturing, particularly in the textile and garment sectors, which are crucial to Bangladesh’s export economy. Additionally, the budget supports agricultural modernization through subsidies, improved irrigation systems, and research and development in high-yield crop varieties.

  3. Digital Transformation: To harness the potential of the digital economy, the budget includes measures to enhance internet connectivity, promote IT-based industries, and support startups. The government aims to build a ‘Digital Bangladesh’ by improving e-governance, digital literacy, and cybersecurity.

  4. Social Welfare and Poverty Alleviation: The budget significantly increases allocations for social safety nets, health, and education. These measures are intended to support vulnerable populations, reduce inequality, and enhance human capital development. Initiatives include expanding the coverage of health insurance, improving the quality of education, and providing direct cash transfers to the poor.

  5. Environmental Sustainability: Addressing climate change and environmental degradation is a key priority. The budget supports renewable energy projects, afforestation programs, and initiatives to improve urban air quality and waste management.

Revenue and Expenditure

The budget projects a total expenditure of BDT 7.6 trillion, with a targeted revenue collection of BDT 4.6 trillion, leaving a deficit of BDT 3 trillion. This deficit is expected to be financed through domestic borrowing, foreign loans, and grants.

  1. Revenue Generation: To increase revenue, the government plans to broaden the tax base, improve tax compliance, and enhance the efficiency of tax administration. Key measures include expanding the Value Added Tax (VAT) net, reducing corporate tax rates to attract investment, and implementing digital tax collection systems.

  2. Expenditure Management: On the expenditure side, the budget focuses on prioritizing high-impact projects, reducing wasteful spending, and ensuring transparency and accountability. The government has pledged to enhance the monitoring and evaluation of public spending to improve efficiency and effectiveness.

Sectoral Allocations

  1. Education: The budget allocates BDT 980 billion to the education sector, emphasizing the need to improve the quality of education, expand access to higher education, and promote vocational training. Key initiatives include upgrading school infrastructure, increasing teachers’ salaries, and providing scholarships to underprivileged students.

  2. Health: The health sector receives BDT 800 billion, with a focus on expanding healthcare infrastructure, improving service delivery, and ensuring access to affordable medicines. The budget also supports the development of telemedicine services and the expansion of health insurance coverage.

  3. Agriculture: Agriculture is allocated BDT 460 billion, aimed at improving food security and increasing agricultural productivity. The budget includes subsidies for fertilizers, seeds, and irrigation, as well as funding for agricultural research and extension services.

  4. Energy and Power: The energy sector is allocated BDT 540 billion, with a focus on expanding renewable energy capacity, improving energy efficiency, and reducing dependency on fossil fuels. The budget supports the development of solar and wind energy projects and the modernization of the national grid.

  5. Social Protection: Social protection programs receive BDT 1.2 trillion, aimed at supporting the poor and vulnerable populations. Key initiatives include cash transfer programs, pension schemes for the elderly, and support for persons with disabilities.

Challenges and Risks

While the budget outlines an ambitious agenda for growth and development, several challenges and risks could impact its successful implementation.

  1. Revenue Shortfall: The projected revenue targets are ambitious, and there is a risk of shortfall if economic conditions deteriorate or if tax reforms are not effectively implemented.

  2. Debt Sustainability: The high fiscal deficit and increased borrowing raise concerns about debt sustainability. It is crucial for the government to manage its debt levels prudently to avoid fiscal instability.

  3. Inflationary Pressures: Increased public spending and borrowing could lead to inflationary pressures, which might erode purchasing power and affect living standards.

  4. Global Economic Conditions: Bangladesh’s economy is heavily influenced by global economic conditions. Any downturn in global trade, investment flows, or economic growth could adversely impact the country’s economic prospects.

  5. Political Stability: Political stability is essential for the successful implementation of the budget. Any political unrest or instability could disrupt economic activities and hinder development initiatives.


The Bangladesh Budget 2024 is a comprehensive plan aimed at fostering economic growth, reducing poverty, and ensuring sustainable development. By prioritizing infrastructure development, industrial and agricultural modernization, digital transformation, social welfare, and environmental sustainability, the budget seeks to address the country’s immediate needs and long-term goals. However, successful implementation will require effective policy measures, robust revenue collection, prudent debt management, and political stability. As Bangladesh moves forward, the budget’s success will be measured by its ability to translate these ambitious plans into tangible outcomes that improve the lives of its citizens and propel the nation towards a prosperous future.

This budget is not just a financial statement but a reflection of the government’s commitment to addressing the critical issues facing the nation and laying a solid foundation for future growth and development.

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